Amazon EC2 Servers as Cheap, Disposable Tools

Since Chrome now makes it embarrassing to serve HTTP, I decided my project had to support HTTPS.

LetsEncrypt, a source of free certificates, is awesome.

However... their automagical certificate generation software runs on almost every OS, except Amazon's house brand "Linux 2". And of course that's what I had chosen when I set up my EC2.

My Hackish Idea: Just spin up another server. For the price of a coffee, I could start a server running a distro that works easily with LetsEncrypt's tool. I chose Ubuntu. Then I just ran a super-simple Nginx setup, pointed my domain at the new box, and generated the certificate.

I had planned to move the certificate to my "real" EC2... and make a better plan before it expired. But I changed my mind and moved my project to the Ubuntu EC2, because it had proven it could play well with others.

But I still really like the idea that I can solve a problem by making a "throwaway" server, the way I'd make a temporary file or a throwaway run-once script. :-)


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