Git Notes

Just Enough to Get Started with Git and Github

Given a project started locally outside of Git. Move it to git and github:


  git status
  git add foo
  git commit -m "fooooooooooo"
  git push origin master

Next, a One-Person Workflow with Branching

#Start with a project in a happy, committed state
#Master is our main/production branch

#Create a branch to work on a new feature
#git checkout -b <new_branch> <start_point>
    git checkout -b new-feature master

#The above is the same as
#   git branch new-feature
#   git checkout new-feature

#See all the branches
    git branch

#Push the new branch to Github. After this, "git push" will update everything.
    git push --set-upstream origin new-feature

<Do stuff & commit.>

#Store your commit safely on Github
    git push

<Rinse and repeat>

#Merge your beautiful new work
    git checkout master
    git merge new-feature
    git push

#Delete the feature branch
    git branch -d feature-branch

#Not sure if this matters. The feature branch is still listed on Github
    git push

Next, Work with Other Humans...


  1. Here is the workflow I have been using:

    Start by creating a new repository on GitHub.

    1. Create and initialize the local project and push to GitHub

    echo "# [Project Name]" >>
    git init
    git add or git add . //to add all files
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git remote add origin[username]/[Project Name].git
    git remote -v
    git push -u origin master

    2. Feature Branch Workflow
    start with master branch

    git checkout master
    git fetch origin
    git reset --hard origin/master
    Create new Branch

    git checkout -b new-feature master

    3. Do some work

    git status
    git add
    git commit

    4. Initialize the upstream branch the -u only needs to be done once

    git push -u origin new-feature

    5. do some more work then add to the remote

    git push

    6. initiate a pull request at github[UserName]/[Project Name]

    7. once all changes have been approved, merge the branch.

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git merge --no-ff new-feature
    git push origin master

    8. Start this process again for the next feature.


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